Pink Guavas are Plump and round-shaped. They have Smooth Skin and mature from Dark Green to Light Green and finally Yellow. They're firm with edible skin and aromatics. They soften as the fruit ripens and can be extremely sweet and floral. This fruit can be used to make Ice cream, Jam, Jelly, Drinks, Juice, Smoothies, Chutneys, Salsa, Salads, and curry.
They Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels, Boost Heart Health, could relieve Painful Symptoms of Menstruation, Benefit the Digestive System, could have Anti-cancer effects, Boost Immunity, and are Good for the Skin, Pregnancy and as a Stress Buster. The fruit is rich in Lycopene, Vitamin C, and Antioxidants. High source of Manganese that helps the body take in other vital nutrients from the food we eat.
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